
Last Updated: June 1st, 1999

Time for an MHQ history lesson!

Pop on them bifocals, 'cause it's time to do some readin'. Find out how the Mario Headquarters began, what happened in it's history, and where it's heading.

Bordom factor: 9.2


I guess it all started in March of 1998. I had just gotten a new computer. It had an awsome modem and all this cool software and everything, so I began fooling around with a lot of stuff. Around that time, my fave site on the 'net, shut down. Boy, was that a surprise. I decided to do what I had been planning for awhile but had never gotten around to. I made a Zelda site, known as Ice's Zelda Webpage.

Well, to make a long story short (and a story that is already documented on IZC), Ice's Zelda Webpage became Ice's Zelda Central, and after a few months, it was a pretty huge success. In December, IZC (Ice's Zelda Central) got about 1,000 -1,250 hits a day.

Due to the recent death of my sister, I was emotionally torn. Anyone who knew didn't even know I had emotion, but I apparently did. So I did what any teenager would do. I got away from it. I basically screwed home. I didn't particularly like sharing this, but I owed my IZC fans an explanation for abandoning them.

I came back. And I began work on the 'net once more. It was now about May. My friends had taken care of IZC so well while I was gone, that it was basically taking care of itself. I had set it up to eventually do that, but if it wasn't for friends like Magisuth, Navie, JMK, Stalfos333, and Crysaler, IZC would have fallen flat on it's face. So I owe all of my success to them... and many of my other friends and staff.

Okay. Here we are. Mario Headquarters. Soon after my return, I began thinking of another project to yet satisfy more people. Thus, the Mario Headquarters was born. I began work in early May. It was ready within a few weeks, but I my other sites to take care of, so I fine-tuned until June 1st, 1999.

Bang. Mario Headquarters was out online.

And that's where we are today. Surely you can see how every tiny detail and event shaped and sculpted the Mario Headquarters you see in front of you here and now.