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Last Updated: June 1st, 1999

Preeeeesenting: The Top 5 Mario Links!

There are a ton of Mario sites out there. Not just a lot. A LOT. While MHQ is professionally a step above all/most of them, what MHQ might lack you will find at the sites below. If you have a site that you think belongs on here, e-mail us with the URL. All sites are ranked on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest. There are five catagories,

Look: You know a good site when you see one. Good sites look good!
Updates: How often the page is updated. Duh.
Content: The amount of information the site contains. This is the most important catagory.
Originality: Is the stuff new, or the same junk you see here on Mario Headquarters? Why go to a site if it's a just a rip off of another site?
Overall: How the site ranks overall. The above scores are NOT averaged to conclude this.


#1 Mario Headquarters
Look - 7.5 There really isn't very much to MHQ's look. This is it's worst catagory. It keeps a steady color scheme, though, and it's plain, simple design is a lot easier on the eyes and faster loading than huge graphic parties.
Updates -
9.0 Updates are frequent and solid.
Content -
10.0 When it comes to this catagory, the MHQ just can't be beaten. A rare perfect score.
Originality -
8.0 A lot of stuff is new; a lot of stuff is old; heck, there's just a lot of stuff.
Overall -
9.0 The MHQ has secured it's place as the top Mario site, but it's a shaky spot. Many competitors are very close behind.

#2 The Mushroom Kingdom
Look - 8.5 One of the best looking Mario sites out there.
Updates - 7.5 Every site has a sore spot. But Updates are a pretty painful spot to be sore in. He pulls off an update about once a week usually, though, which is a pretty good pace.
Content - 9.5 TMK has a lot of the same stuff that MHQ has, and that's the reason it's just breathing down MHQ's neck for the top spot.
Originality - 8.5 Mario is over 15 years old. There's not much more to think of. But what's left, he thinks of it.
Overall - 9.0 TMK misses the top spot only by hair. The margin is because MHQ has a professional level that a fan site just doesn't obtain. The margin is very argueable, though. Either way, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. And TMK plays good.

#3 The Koopa Kids Super Mario Fort
Look - 6.0 Most of the pages are a jumbled mess of graphics that don't go together.
Updates -
7.5 They seem to go in spurts. Inconsistant, but if you visit once a week or so, you should come out okay.
Content -
8.0 There's a lot of material here. I found myself laughing out loud in some parts.
Originality -
10.0 The entire page SCREAMS "original". If there was anything higher than a 10, this page would get it.
Overall -
8.2 The originality wins me over.

#4 The NEW Mario and Luigi Homepage
Look - 5.5 Ouch. Pages are inconsistant, plain, and show poor HTML design.
Updates -
9.0 Updated frequently. One of the best-updated Mario sites out there.
Content -
8.0 There's a lot of stuff here, but a lot of it has to do with games such as Banjo-Kazooie. Good stuff, though.
Originality -
8.0 Cute names for the sections brings home the gold here.
Overall -
8.0 A good site. The updates and originality carry it.

#5 Super Mario 64 Central
Look - 8.5 Super Mario 64 Central has a basic look. It's consistant and outlined well, though, which accounts for the high score.
Updates -
8.0 Updates are surprisingly good for a Mario 64 site. Well over half of them concerns Luigi in Mario 64, however, and after visiting a few times, I was so sick of the subject, I deleted the bookmark.
Content -
8.0 He's got a lot of stuff. The best Super Mario 64 site I've seen to date.
Originality -
7.0 The site was created some two years after Mario 64 was released. However, despite that, it's the only Mario 64 page who's owner clearly put forth effort.
Overall -
7.7 Pretty good site, all in all. It might be in his best interest to branch out into other Mario titles. I would expect more on Mario 64 2 from this place, especially.



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