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Yoshi's Story

Last Updated: June 1st, 1999


Name: Yoshi's Story
System: Nintendo 64
Genre: Action
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Release date: March 12th, 1998
Age rating: E
Players: One
Memory size: 128 megabits
Peripherals: Rumble Pak


When Yoshi eats something, he will show a symbol in a word balloon above his head. If the symbol is a blue cloud type thing, then you lose a petal off your Smile Meter. If the symbol is a filled heart, then you get petals added to your power, and you also get points. The number of petals added equals the number of hearts shown. The number of points you get is equal to the total number of hearts shown (e.g. if Yoshi shows 3 hearts with an "×2" next to it, you get 6 points but 3 petals). If the symbol is an outlined heart, then you just get petals added and zero points.

Color controls the number of hearts shown in the word balloon:

The Lucky Fruit of the Day is chosen before you start your Story or Trial Mode. "But what is my favorite fruit?" you may ask.

Black Shy Guys, Chili Peppers, and anything that doesn't taste good to the regular Yoshis will give the White & Black Yoshis 1 heart. So if you're going for maximum points, pick the White or Black Yoshi.
For the maximum amount of points, eat all 30 Melons. Why? Well . . . there are 30 Melons, 12 LFotD's, and 6 regular fruits in each course. If you eat all 30 Melons, it'll be easy to go over 5000. 100 × 30 melons = 3000. (3 points per melon) × (# of Melons) = 1395. 3000 + 1395 = 4395. Just get another 605 points and you'll be over 5000!



Secret Yoshis


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