Super Mario RPG
Last Updated: June 1st, 1999
Mario RPG" Legend of the Seven Stars
System: Super
Genre: RPG
Developer: Squaresoft
Publisher: Nintendo
date: May
13th, 1996
rating: K-A
Players: 1
size: 32
Well, after you beat the Grate Guy and Knife Guy, and the bundt cake at Marrymore, go back to Booster's tower. Climb to near the top where you see Knife juggling balls. He'll ask you if you want to play a game. Watch closely and try to guess which hand the yellow ball is in. Do this 12 times. After that, you should get a bright card. Go to Bean Valley and go to the area with 5 pipes. Go down the pipe closest to the save block. Go to the upper corner where the chomp chomp is, and jump 3 times. A platform should appear. Jump on it, go to the exit, and you're there!
Dry Bone's flag is underneath Mario's bed in Mario's Pad. Big Boo's Flag is between the o and the a in "GOAL" at Yo'ster Island. And Finaly, Greaper's flag is behind the Welcome flower at rose town.
Well, certain patterns get you different items. Sometimes you get a Yoshi's Cookie, mushroom, enemies and lots of others. But only a few lead to Belome and Monstro Town. Here is a chart to lead you:
At Nimbus Land, go into a house at the far right, Croco should be in there, and get the signal ring. When you go outside walk straight out in to clouds and you should walk off the screen and find a Shy Away there. Talk to him and he'll give you the fertilizer.
At first, Get a lesson from him telling you where notes are. Then play: Mi, Re, Do, Ti, La, So, and Fa. He'll give you a Alto Card. Later in the game, play this for him: La, Mi, Re, Do, Re, Do, Re. You'll get a Tenor Card. Near the end, play: La Ti Do Re So Do Re Mi, then he will give you a Saprano Card!
Go to Booster's Pass, and in the first area, a cave should have opened, go in there and get the KeroKero Cola.
You Know that sealed door in Monstro Town? He's in there. 'How do I get in there?' you might ask. Well, go buy the fireworks from the mole in Moleville for 500 coins (ouch), then go outside and talk to the little girl, give her the fireworks and get the Shiny Stone. Take the expensive stone to the sealed door in Monstro town, and it should open. WARNING: Do not try to fight Culex before all your players are at experience level 25.
Easy - the more fireworks you buy from Moleville, the bigger the fireworks display. The only problem is dishing out the 500 coins each time.
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