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Job Openings

Last Updated: June 1st, 1999

Ice isn't a one-man army. He needs recruits.

And that's where you come in. The Mario Bros. have a huge following. And if you're here, chances are that you love 'em, too. Anyone can find a job here, as long as you have the desire to work, gain eternal fame, and hang with the big guys. Okay. Don't let that last part scare you.

There's everything here from the graphic artist, to the game wizard, to the YOSHI LOVER!


Art Editor

Skilled at art? Of course you are.
With this job, you will create Mario and Mario Headquarters-related artwork.
Contact us for more info if you're interested.


Game Masters

There's only so many hours in a day. The Mario Headquarters needs your help.
If you have attained an expert level of skill on any Mario or Mario-related game and are willing to write up FAQ's and perhaps walkthroughs for any of the games, then this job is right for you. This includes any of the Mario games, from the classic NES, SNES, Game Boy, or N64 ones to Donky Kong, Mario Paint, Mario Party, and Dr. Mario.


Editorial Writer

Someone who can write an article every 7-10 days on subject related to Mario, Yoshi, any related characters, and the gaming industry in general. The topics aren't confined just to Mario. You have the option of choosing your own topic or getting assigned one.



The sky's the limit as far as this job is concerned. If you're experienced with CGI, Java, Perl, Qbasic, C++, Assembly, Flash, Shockwave, or any other type of programming language, we'll give you an oppourtunity to let your talents soar and be seen and used by thousands of people.


Yoshi Shrine

Last but never least, everyone's favorite dinosaur is a huge part of the Mario world. And he's going to be a huge part of the Mario Headquarters world, as well. If you know a bit of HTML and are interested in creating a Yoshi section at MHQ, then this job is eggsactly what you need (sorry for the stupid "egg" pun).



If you're just dying to let your work be part of the Mario Headquarters, but we didn't mention the services you can render, feel free to drop us a line and let us know what you can do and are willing to do. We enjoy recieving contributions and acquiring staff members who really want to make a diffirence.