
Last Updated: October 17th, 1999

Ever wonder who ran MHQ? Well, my friend, wonder no more.

Welcome to the ego-trip section of Mario Headquarters. This is where we post a little about ourselves, what we do for the site, give a few opinions on things, and basically brag 'till we run out of web-space. Or run out of things to brag about. Which is why this page is so small.

Hail to the frosty king!


Real Name: Ice. Heh.
Age: 2,104.36 1/2
Gender: A male Ice cube.
I.Q.: Totally off the charts. They didn't have a bracket low enough for me.
Favorite Video Game: Even though this is my Mario site... I'm gonna have to go with Zelda.
Favorite Song: Acid Rane, by ME!.
Favorite Movie: Even though I run Mario Headquarters, if I said "The Mario Bros. Movie", I'd be a nut.
Least Favorite Movie: There we go. The Mario Bros. Movie!
Favorite Food: "Ah... spaghetti... ah... raviolli... ahhh.... mamamia...." (Mario, from Mario 64).
What he does for MHQ:
Other sites he run/works for: Ice's Zelda Central, Kirby's Cloud, Star Fox Galaxy, Bond 64, Iced Gaming
E-Mail Address:

Steve Dixon

Real Name: Steve Dixon
Age: I'll tell when Ice does.
Gender: Male
I.Q.: 147
Favorite Video Game: Either Super Mario World or Link's Awakening
Favorite Song: Out of game music, Staff Roll (SM64)
Favorite Movie: The Wizard
Least Favorite Movie: The Black Hole
Favorite Food: Pizza
What he does for MHQ: Editorials, Reviews, some game Q&A
Other sites he run/works for: Zelda-Pokémon Central (Runs), IZC (Works For)
E-Mail Address:



Real Name: James
Age: Heh, that's funny
Gender: Male
Favorite Video Game: Zelda 3
Favorite Song: Um... nothing
Favorite Movie: I have way too many!
Least Favorite Movie: SMB Movie
Favorite Food: Chicken
What he does for MHQ: Reviews and misc. writing assignments
Other sites he run/works for: Kirby HQ, SMBHQ, NF
E-Mail Address: