June 3rd, 1999

Welcome to the first edition of the Mario Headquarter's Letters page! I'd like to thank a little time thanking everyone for all of the e-mails and letters they contributed. None of my other websites on their first day received as many e-mails as MHQ did! Keep then all coming! If you would like to contribute a letter to a future edition, mail us at mariohq@usa.net. And on to the Letters!


Pablo writes: Heya Ice! Congrats on your new page! I just want to let you know that I'm probably your #1 fan, and this Mario page is the best thing you've ever done! (besides IZC) Keep up the awesome, awesome work!

Ice: MHQ's long career of Letters begins with this collection of sincere compliments. Thanks, Pablo!


Jake writes: A Mario site! You know what you did Ice. I made a Mario site, and you made one now too. But yours is better :-)

Ice: Thanks for the compliment.... I think.


HoolaPop writes: I want to be the first one to be on a Q and A at MHQ! I want to be in the first colum!

Ice: Well, you made it. I might not have even read your letter if it weren't for your screen name... so good choice! :-)


Abel writes: Were there any Mario comics?

Ice: Yes, there were. I own two issues of them, myself. MHQ will cover these even more in the future.


Pipeboy writes: Is MHQ looking for staff? I've always wanted to work at a Mario page, and yours is the best I've seen. Can I join?

Ice: Yes, we are accepting staff applications. Let us know what you plan to do for the site, and all that other good stuff. My e-mail is mariohq@usa.net and my ICQ# is 21233745.


Narcis writes: Wow! This site is absolutely amazing! There are 78 games in the games section! But you know that, I guess =) Very, very, very, veeeeeeery perfect work. I worship you!

Ice: I'm very, very, very, veeeeeeeery glad to see that you like it.


Nibbles writes: I read your story for the site, Mario MHQ. You did very nicely at making sense of all the hobble-wash of the Mario story. Do you have a picture of Peach on your site? She's really hot!

Ice: I'm bound to have a pic of Peach somewhere.... and thanks for the compliment on the Story section. It took loadsa work.


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