6th, 1999
Welcome to the second edition of the Mario Headquarter's Letters page! Keep all the e-mails coming! I love hearing from y'all! If you would like to contribute a letter to a future edition, mail us at mariohq@usa.net. And on to the Letters!
Marko writes: Hi Ice. Really great site. It's unbelievable, really. I have a question reguarding the name of it, though. There are at least a hundred games covered in your games section of the site, so why do you call it "Mario" Headquarters? Why not "Nintendo Headquarters" or something like that?
Ice: Well, Marko, I call it Mario Headquarters because all of those games pertain to Mario. In the future, perhaps I will move to something... larger. But how much larger can I get? I already run 4 HUGE sites!!!
Jonny Teem writes: I really like your site a lot. You can count on me for my hits! Anway, that's not why I'm writing. I'm writing because I'd like to know how often you plan to update MHQ. If you could reply to this address ***********, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Ice: I haven't really thought about how much I plan to update MHQ yet... my schedule's pretty tight and unpredictable, due to all these sites and various things not related to the internet, but I've been pulling off updates very frequently. I'd say that 4 or 5 a week is a good estimate. Thus far, all of MHQ's updates have been frequent and fairly large, so I'd say that MHQ will have a very good update record.
DogPoop writes: Look what I just did! Come clean it up!
Ice: No thank you... must be a relative of Poochy... can someone call the pound?
Karsty writes: What's with the "IG" logo on the main page?
Ice: Well, IG stands for Iced Gaming. Since I have created a large amount of sites with large amounts of content, I have decided to compile them all into one network-type deal: Iced Gaming.
Salesboy writes: MHQ is a fab-o site, bro! I have a real neato question... Will MHQ ever go into merchandise? I want an Ice action figiure! 8) Call me the Salesboy.
Ice: You want to know about MHQ merchandise, hm? An "Ice" action figure? Just don't leave me in the sun... I tend to melt.
Greg writes: Hi Ice. Your sight is really cool and everything, but WHY THE HE*L DO YOU HAVE A ZELDA GAME ON HERE? Sorry I sound mad, but it's really dumb if you ask me. If you want to do Zelda, put it on IZC.
Ice: Well, the reason we have a bit on Zelda in the Games section is because Mario and friends make a cameo appearance in Zelda... maybe if you looked at the file you got so steamed over, you would have figured that out!
Nibbles writes: I think that you need to make a shrine to Princess Peach... she's a real hottie!
Ice: I think someone needs to get a life.