11th, 1999
Welcome to the Mario Headquarter's Letters page! Keep all the e-mails coming! I love hearing from y'all! If you would like to contribute a letter to a future edition, mail us at mariohq@usa.net. And on to the Letters!
Khufu writes: Today's million dollor question is... (drumroll) (clash) Are you going to do make a character enciclopedia like you are for Zelda?
Ice: Actually, the Encyclopedia is one of the most popular things at IZC, my Zelda site. So yes, most likely, I will begin work on one here sometime in the future.
Steve: I'm sure profiles
will be coming. Like Ice said, they were very popular at IZC and
Star Fox Galaxy.
Jonny Teem writes: Thanks for posting my letter up. I just want you to know that even though you said that you would do only 4 or 5 a week, you've done daily updates since you opened :-)
Ice: Yeah, MHQ is a fun place to work!
Steve: I'm probably
going to be updating as well, so between us, we just might have
daily updates. Don't even think about holding me to that, though
Arnold writes: Are you looking for staff members? If so, I'm pretty interested.
Ice: Yes, actually, we ARE looking for staff members. If you would like to apply, check out the Job Openings section, and then e-mail us at mariohq@usa.net.
The 1,000,000th person to ask me this writes: you shoold make all your sites into one site
Ice: I... WILL!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna compile them all into one network-type deal: Iced Gaming. NEXT PERSON WHO ASKS ME THIS.......
Bethany writes: This is for Mr. Steve Dixon. I've enjoyed your work at IZC. Will you write articles for MHQ as well? Thank you for your time. A devoted Dixon fan, Bethany.
Steve: Holy cow! I have a fan! Crysaler and Stalfos will never hear the end of this. Yes, I'll be doing editorials, as well as all sorts of other fun stuff at the MHQ. Who knows, maybe I'll get another fan out of the whole ordeal!