Last Updated: October 17th, 1999
Fall, 1999
Party 2 Release Date! 10.17.99 MHQ is Back! 10.10.99 |
Mario Party 2's Japanese Release Date! (October 17th, 1999)
Mario Party was one of the key Mario games this year... maybe even the most popular one, barely outselling Mario Golf. Mario Party 2's Japanese release date has been set: December 17th, 1999. The American version will most likely make a Quarter 1 release in 2000. Just like it's predecessor, Mario Party 2 will be a big part of Nintendo's quest for riches.
The Mario Headquarters Is Back! (October 10th, 1999)
After many server transitions and various what-nots, MHQ is finally back. I'm incredibly sorry for the long delay, but everything is up and working smoothely now. Updates will resume immediately.
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