Story FAQ
Last Updated: June 1st, 1999
There are many questions. There are many questions asked frequently. Thus, this section.
Ever had a burning question about where a game fits, when it took place, where it took place, or exactly what did take place? Well, worry no more. The answer is probably in here. And if not, just send it to us!
Life is like a box of Question Boxes... you never know what you're gonna get.
Total Questions: 3
Question #001
I have a friend that's been saying that Super Mario Bros. wasn't
the first game! If not, then what was?
Ice: That's somewhat of a difficult one to answer. He is right, however. Super Mario Bros. was not the first game in the series, though it is the one responsible for getting most people hooked on it. There was another game, called Mario Bros., which is theoretically tied with Donkey Kong as being Mario's first debut.
Question #002
Why do Goombas and
such enemies always change appearance? They look radically
different from game to game! Inconsistances like that only make a
series look bad!
Ice: No, if Mario 64's Goomba's looked the same as Mario 1's, then the series would look bad! The slight changes in appearance have to do with the graphical capabilities that a game is on. They don't neccessarily have to do with how they actually look. However, there may be some sort of evolution going on in the Mushroom World. For instance, somewhere between Mario 1 and Mario 3, some Goomba's developed wings. Perhaps these creatures always existed and just didn't show up in previous games, or they actually are evolving at a somewhat rapid rate. That may account for the graphical changes.
Question #003
I read your
storyline for The Legend of Zelda at IZC [Ice's Zelda
Central, my Zelda site], and it was very impressive. It said
that there were multiple Links and Zeldas. So my question is, if
there are multiple Links and Zeldas, how many Mario's are there?
And which Mario's are in which games?
Ice: All evidence that I have collected, researched, and reviewed points to there being only one set of Mario's, Luigi's, Toad's, etc. I investigated very deeply in hopes of finding a little nook or cranny in the story to where I might declare the possibility, but there really isn't much hope for such a theory.
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