The Mario Headquarters

Last Updates:
01/24/00 - Steve

Redesigned! Or rather UNRedesigned!

This is one of those good news, bad news updates.

The good news? MHQ is now back up to par with what it used to be, give or take a little content. The black layout, which was widely prefered by just about everyone, is in use again, and the old one is gone. If you really liked it better, e-mail me and let me know, as I was smart enough to back it up. Updates will be resuming now, and a ton of new content is going to be added.

The bad news? Well, a lot of the content that was added since the redesign is down right now, and it'll be a while before I figure out a good way to port it. And there's that pesky little problem of us being pretty broke right now, so we're going to be on the Tripod server for a while yet. That's not so bad.

The other news? I'm going to be making a few changes over the next day or two. One of them will be quite noticable, the other ones will be fairly invisible. Your feedback really is important to us. Be sure to let us know what you like and don't!

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"For God so loved the world, He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever beleiveth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16